
As one of the long held and cherished traditions of the Twelfth Night Masque, the location and theme of the party is held secret until the Committee of Twelve reveals it to their guests.

During the early years of the ball, the committee would reveal the location on the evening of the party while guests attended dinner.

Today, the Committee of Twelve hosts a grand cocktail party of revelation at which the location and theme of the upcomming masque is revealed.

As per tradition, the location of the cocktail party is not announced until two days prior to the event.

Click Here to make your reservation for the Revelation Cocktail Party, only registered guests will receive the location of this party.

Its been referred to as "a party with a past" and "for those too young to stay at home." An irreverant ball full of paegentry, extravagance, creativity, and sometimes scandalous behavior. 

The Twelfth Night Masque is an event like no other. A gala event that never takes itself too seriously. A night where guests can relinquish their everday selves and let loose for an evening of bacchanlian revelry. A party that has held only one virtue for over one hundred years: that it continue to exist in the name of having a good time.

A quote like this is why the Memorial Cocktail Party exists. Because only at the Twelfth Night Masque can such an odd observation be a common occurance.

The Twelfth Night Masque is a night of fleeting fancy full of rich and colorful moments, although occasionally blurry memories.

The Committee of Twelve requests that the privacy of their guests be resepcted and that memories not be shared in public forums.

It is for this reason that the Committee of Twelve hosts an evening to remember the Twelfth Night Masque. An annual memorial of the raucous tradition that is this party.

As each new chapter of the Twelfth Night Masque comes to a close, this event serves as a bookend to the festivites. And with that closure, the Committee of Twelve begins again to plan next year's masque ...